Around 8:30 P.M. Mr. Daddy Kyle and Mama Betsy head out to the car for their trip to the birthing center. Almost made it to the car. A quick stop on the wooden bench between contractions. Cleansing breath, concentrate, ha...ha...ha... What a champ with her new Lamaze breathing exercises and relaxation skills. This is Seattle, there must be a Space Needle somewhere for a focal point.
Bye bye. Everyone wave good bye. Next time we see them there will be a new baby. Bye Bye.
Bye bye MomMomDaddy.
It's showtime, Bubbie time with the adorable Master O. (Oh Oliver, please don't stand at the door and cry MomMom MomMom all night.) Maybe he forgot that they are not here. No tears! Gab claims that it is her good training.
Keeping on schedule of course; nighttime diaper, check, jammies on, check, brush teeth, check, bedtime stories, check and tucked into bed, check. Did I forget anything? Then came the requests for BIG yellow truck, teenie truck, teenie yellow truck, teennie truck, the other teenie truck, teenie truck, and tow truck. We carefully lined up all the teenie trucks and tow truck along the back of his bed. But cuddling with the big yellow truck when he has so many soft stuffed animals? He really likes trucks, get it!
Sweet slumber for Oliver and without tears. It has to be the trucks along with Gab's training of course.
Then the text: It's a baby girl!
Happy Birth Day to my beautiful baby and her beautiful baby!
What a magnificent surprise! But, no Phineas. What is her name?
How can Betsy look so good?
When Oliver wakes up, should I tell him that he has a new baby sister or wait for his mommomdaddy to tell him? Can't wait to get to the birthing center. This is just too exciting. Ohmygodo! Try to sleep Bubbie. We need to go pink shopping tomorrow. Try to sleep. Pink, we need pink teenie clothes. Try to sleep.
Cute Mom! OHmygodo, A Girl!!! Lucky for me you "crawled" in just in time!!! xoxoxoxoxoxox