Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rainy Days and Thursdays...always get me down.

Or was that Mondays? Anyhow. Talkin' to myself and feelin' old.
Auntie Arnie's seeds needed this rain. The inspector's A+ brought new confidence to T.H. so we decided to upgrade the electrical service to 200 Amp. Before commencing with that small project T.H. opted to spend a rainy day in May underground wiring in the tamper proof fancy round brass floor outlets in front of each window. Safety first at the SS for our Kyle, Jackson and Oliver. Bring on the little toys, baby boys. Does anyone recognize Becky's shower?
T.H. fake out, he remained above ground in the closet and now there is a new T.H style LARGER metal electrical box with .......guess how many new circuits? Where you about to guess 12?

5 Post Meridiem
Ten degrees above freezing and already 1 inch of rain.
Daily rain total 1.15 inches.

FYI: Fifteen inches of dry powder snow equals one inch of rain. This is also equivalent to only five inches of very wet snow. The accepted average is ten inches of snow equals one inch of rain.

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