Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mr. Kyle's Race Day and getting muddy for FREE beer.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Helpful Babysitting Tips

Auntie Arnie's Guide to Babysitting; Chapter 3.
The babby loves it!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Very First Apple


Our very first apple and it hasn't fallen far from the tree.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Good Clean Start - Las Vegas Summer Market 2012

Las Vegas Market Week and we're off to a good clean start.

RLA, the swinger in Vegas.

Meet the Kit Kats.

Now I know why you were caught up the creek without a paddle.

The truth on a tin - see Annie.

Take me out to the ballgame.

Just rewards or sweet treats on our way out. RLA already found the bar.

Look who's holding the Trump Card. (bottle)

Still smiling after a long day of work and feeling our feet.

We had a great market and an excellent workout.

Please RLA no guns with Mommer.

The End

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shanty Town Babyville

Sugar Shack Baby Cousins Shindig 2012

Oliver imparts paci advice to Ali.

Followed by a hug and a kiss.

TH teaches toddler canoeing.

KT 's double duty midnight snacks with the big boys. 

Then it was off to bed/box for Jackson.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

One-Dog Canoe

Mr. Kyle came home with a stack of books a couple of summers ago. This particular title is so apropos and will be a favorite.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bath Time

Who's ready for a bath?

Ready, Set...

Weeee! Mr. Clean.

Bath time for Baby Katherine.  Auntie Arnie does not let a knife wound and trip to the Cloquet Hospital interfere with Katherine's bath time.
 Nightmare on Elm Street. What ever were we thinking with the Arnie's bad knife so close to our precious Baby Katherine?

Good Night Moon. All the little ones are tucked safely into bed. Tomorrow is Independence Day 2012.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sugar Shack Shindig 2012

Over there, we say way over there.

Dancing with the Stars.

Juan Roberto.

Two Katherine's and One Elizabeth

Kayla and Juan Roberto.

 If you're not in the picture, you were missed! Where were you?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Twins Game

Two More Days

Green shirt ready for green car.

Master O chose the green model.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

8:30 A.M. Twins Game

TH and I enjoyed the best Twins game ever. The stars Benjamin, Joe and their
Goodview team won the game. Looks like they're state tournament bound.
Hopefully we will get to another Twins game this summer. Bob informed us Joey is 7 for 7.

Friday, June 15, 2012

King of the Parking Lot

It's a hard day's work parking cars. Notice the precision parking.
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot.

While the King of the Parking Lot is occupied parking vehicles, his adorable baby sister chills on MomMom's blankie creation which rivals Petunia Picklebottom's collection. Where is Gold Bug I ask you?

Put your eyes on MomMom's "Toe-tally Orange" toenails. It was confirmed, yes indeed her toenails sport the actual all weather paint that was used on her new bike frame. Mr. Kyle must have plans for building this amazing orange MomMomMobile sometime soon.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Feeding the Homeless

MomMom made it to the zoo with the wee ones today; all by herself. She titles the picture: "Cooking at the zoo". R renamed it "Feeding the Homeless". R, I believe that the zoo is the home for many animals.

 Daddy is off training with the Soft Like Kittens. Night night little darlings. Night Night. Sweet Dreams!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

MomMoms Big Day Out

This I do believe marks MomMom's first big day out ALONE, unassisted with the 2 little ones. So what  happens? Sleeping angels! Why does she keep sending pictures of eyes closed? Do I detect non-blonde hair on a little headtop?

Flag Day June 14th - and now for the rest of the story from MomMom:

What you didn't hear about my first day 'out' and all alone...

We all woke up early,Kyle left for work, and I started to prep for dinner, got everyone dressed, packed snacks and headed out the door to meet up with my Peps buddies at Green Lake.  When we got to the car and I tried to open the door with the key-fob, it didn't work.  I used the key to unlock the door and the automatic button on the door didn't unlock any of the other doors.  I looked at the dash board and saw nothing.  The car battery wad dead!  UGH!  I called my friend Ingrid, she lives a few blocks away and was headed to Green Lake too.  Luckily she had not left and was willing to help.  I asked her if she had ever jumped a car, she said "no".  I said I would call Kyle to walk me through it.  When she got to my house, I realized that Kyle had the jumper cables in his truck.  She didn't have any in her car.  Bummer!
So we said a quick hello/goodbye and I called Kyle to come home and jump the car.  Katherine got hungry so we waited for Kyle in the car.  Oliver smelled like he had a big pooper.  He did not want to get out of the car.  After playing ring around the car doors, I got him out, got him upstairs and changed him; better done at home rather than out.
Kyle came home and he was about to jump the car, but the cables were not long enough.  He tried to angle the truck in a few different ways, but nothing worked.  We had to ask our neighbor to move her car so we could access the other side.  Then finally we got it going! Hurray!
Once I was on the road, we got to the Fremont Bridge, and it was UP!  So 10 minutes sitting in the car after waiting an hour at home, the bridge went down and we were on our way to Green Lake, but then I think I hit almost every red light!  REALLY!!!!
Luckily I found parking in the lot and all went well, friends were happy to see Oliver and meet Katherine!  I knew on our way home that I would be dealing with the sleeping siblings dilemma.  But I figured big brother could wait a second in the car while his little sister went upstairs first!  No problems!

Let's see what today brings.  I'm going to pack another little lunch and cross my fingers that we can make it to the zoo, or at least our garden!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Naptime while MomMom cleans the carpet. First day alone with her sweet babies and really missing Grandma Stitch I am sure!
A story here for MomMom to tell....

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Training Day

Looks like Master O is training for Seattle Cyclocross today. Gotta get out there when the sun is shining down on you.

  MomMom is training too. Training her toenails to match her freshly painted bike frame. Did she use the actual orange bike paint?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy Birthday KT

Happy Birthday KT
Clever Photo Credit: Betsy Griggs
and Master O's teenie toys.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What's on the Menu? Fee-fi-fo-YUM

       Look what Than Brothers has on their menu!

Master O masters chop sticks - way to go! 

Missing all my favorites - people and puffs.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Five Alarm Cuteness

A brand new Woo-Woo Truck.  I do believe that is its name?

        Six weeks ago, that red fireman helmet was worn all day long and it only came off at naptime. 
Something important was missing though. A fire truck. I mean one big enough for him to actually (comfortably) ride on.

Picture texted from Betsy March 16, 2012.

With a smile on his face, the sweet almost 2 year old Fire Chief rode around on a rather
 under-sized fire engine. Can you believe it? What a sport, he made it work and it did the job. Did he ever dream that one day he would have his very own fire truck, and one just the right size?
Woo-Whoo Fire Chief O!

Photo credits: Mr. Kyle, iPhone and Betsy.